The opticamSWITCH contains main and auxiliary power supplies which are connected to independent power circuits. In terms of voltage drop down the auxiliary power supply automatically serves the opticamSWITCH with required power.

The opticamSWITCH contains main and auxiliary power supplies which are connected to independent power circuits. In terms of voltage drop down the auxiliary power supply automatically serves the opticamSWITCH with required power.
Camera routing can be done by Neutrik´s operator software or manually on the front panel from the opticamSWITCH.
In addition several broad control systems as from BFE and DNF-controls include the possibility to integrate the opticamSWITCH to their system.
No frequent maintenance on fiber cables required due to all connections are hardwired.
The opticamSWITCH is an IP based system. The existing setup can be easily extended with further opticamSWITCH units.
The opticamSWITCH works with a thermo optic PLC (planar lightwave circuit). Without movable parts the PLC switch offers highest security in fiber optic switching. Nanostructures in combination with interlinked splitter / coupler realizes a fully, non-blocking routing matrix.
Copper based signals as power supply for camera and sense signals are connected with WIELAND power connectors WLC-OCS-M or WLC-OCS-F. The fiber signal is connected with regular LC simplex connectors. Neutrik offers in-house terminated breakout cables in individual lengths.